Monday, May 19, 2008

Friday, May 16: Jim and Margo

My blog would not be complete without a “hats off” to our new friends, Jim and Margo Stanger. God granted us great favor in their eyes, and we could not have hoped for a better couple to take us under their wing. Thanks to their humble hearts and their graciousness toward us, we are coming home with incredible memories and a suitcase full of treasures.

We loved every minute spent with them, and after the loneliness of the crowded city of London, it was a joy to spend time talking with people. Jim and Margo shared their stories of growing up in Plymouth during the Blitz, trekking into the Moors every night for safety, and collecting shrapnel and other souvenirs after the bombing raids. They gave us a tour of Plymouth, pointing out the stony shore-line where the caves they hid in were sealed up after the war, the spot where a bomb landed by the mouth of a shelter and killed all the people inside, the church that got destroyed and now stands as an empty shell in memorial, the house Margo grew up in, the building that housed commanders of the U.S. Army, the RAF landing strips, the moorlands where so many huddled in the dark of night, the gate to the Citadel where mutineers were brought out before the crowds for execution, the horizon where the skies would bulge with the Luftwaffe, the building where all the stained-glass windows were blown out, etc, etc. Without our willing tour guides, we would have looked out our car windows to see gently rolling hills, old buildings, and a pretty iron gate.

Jim and Margo have dedicated their lives to preserving and honoring the memories of the soldiers involved in WWII. By sending me home with armloads of helpful information, I will be richly blessed in my efforts with this novel. All of these priceless bits and pieces of information are neatly tucked away in my carry-on luggage so that I can guard them with as much care as they deserve. The Stangers educated us, fed us, drove us around several towns, and gave us a wealth of information, all out of the goodness of their hearts. Unfortunately I can never thank them enough, but I have decided to name two major characters in my novel after them.

We’ve promised to email them as soon as we get home to let them know we’ve arrived safely. I’m looking forward to our continued friendship and I hope we hear from them often.

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